Childbirth Safety Webinar

Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies Coalition of Georgia has free monthly webinars for birth workers across Georgia.

We've made it so our mothers and birthgivers can find out what the experts know on birth safety.

Check the timestamps below for specific childbirth safety topics that interest you!

Birth safety can come in many forms like making sure the mother or birthgiver is fully aware of what is going on during their labor to more larger scale issues like medical racism. Both can affect the safety and birth outcomes of both parent and baby.

Along with Kaprice Welsh (CNM, MSN, MPH, Clinical Liaison, Georgia OBGYN Society) and Yasmin Tyler-Hill (MD, FAAP, Chief of Pediatrics, Morehouse School of Medicine), our very own guest blog writer, Paige Rohe, is part of the panel of speakers for this webinar to shed light on her knowledge of birth injury. Read her story Becoming a Birth Safety Advocate: Paige Rohe and our blog Do No Harm: Birth Safety to prepare for a safe and healthy birth.

This webinar goes over many areas of birth safety, justice, and health equity, but to make it easier for you, we have some timestamps for you to jump to that are important to know for your birthing journey.


3:58 – Defining Birth Trauma

5:57 – Defining Trauma

12:55 – Things That Can Lead to Birth Trauma

14:30 – 4 Main Symptoms of Birth Trauma or Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

16:51 – Trauma and Black Women

27:07 – Birth Injuries: Who is Effected and What Are the Risk Factors

32:07 – Infants at Risk for Poor Birth Outcomes

35:31 – Reasons Why Black Infants Have Poor Outcomes

50:20 – Defining Birth Injury

53:48 – Who Is at Risk for Birth Injury

56:15 – How Does Birth Injury Affect a Patient and Their Family

The Pickles & Ice Cream Team hopes you found this webinar helpful. Next, take a look at our short, educational P&I videos!


What Is Best When Not Breastfeeding?


Bleeding After Birth