Playtime During a Pandemic

The pandemic has changed the ways we can hang out with one another or have play dates.

Here are some ways to keep you and your kids safe while having fun and staying connected!

Follow guidelines when going out or seeing others, but as always, have fun!

As the weeks pass and you develop your new routine and get more bonding time with your kids, you may be excited to get back into the swing of play dates and other events. With COVID-19 concerns and social distancing still in place, being social may look a little different these days, but there are still plenty of ways to have fun and stay connected!

Fun with Family

There are lots of activities you can enjoy with your built-in social circle- your immediate family and household!

Virtual Field Trips

Many places are offering virtual experiences to help families stay entertained without having to leave home. There are fun activities and options available for all ages. Take a virtual trip to places like Zoo Atlanta or the Georgia Aquarium, or even go on virtual rides at Disney World!

Sidewalk Chalk Cheers

Use sidewalk chalk to write encouraging messages to your neighbors, your mailman, or anyone who might drive-by! The whole family can help come up with cheerful messages and drawings to decorate your driveway or sidewalk.

Water Olympics

Grab a hose and get ready for some friendly competition! You can play games like water limbo- just take the hose and turn the water on full blast. Use the stream of water as the limbo stick. See who can limbo the lowest without getting wet. Other ideas include sponge tosses, sprinkler dance contests, water-gun target practice, and shooting baskets with water balloons.

Local Park Lottery

Look up the names of all the local parks in your area. Write them down on slips of paper and put the slips in a bowl. When the weather is nice, pull a slip out to pick a new park to explore! When you go out, remember to follow the CDC guidelines:

  • Avoid crowded areas, and stay at least 6 feet away from other people you may see.

  • Wash your hands well, and wear cloth face masks when possible. Kids under 2 years old should NOT wear face masks.

  • If there are playgrounds, help your kids follow the guidelines while playing.

Staying Connected

Staying away from friends and family you don’t live with can be very tough, especially if you just brought home a new baby. Luckily, there are creative ways for you and your baby to stay connected with loved ones while also staying safe and healthy.

  • Use video chats to check-in with family and show off your new baby.

  • Write letters and send cards to grandparents or other family members you may not be able to visit.

  • Drive to a friend’s house and say hi from your car, through a closed window, or in the driveway 6 feet apart.

It’s extremely important for you to stay connected and feel supported, so you can stay mentally healthy for you and your baby. During the COVID-19 pandemic, you may feel isolated and that your support options are limited, but options like video calls and online support groups can help keep you close with friends and family.

Going Out

Depending on your situation, you may decide that you want to visit or interact with people who don’t live in your house. If you get together with other people, continue to protect yourself by washing your hands often, avoiding close contact, and covering your nose and mouth. Also, in general, the risk of COVID-19 spread goes up the closer you are to people and the longer you interact with them. Outdoor activities can be an option, as they offer space to spread out and allow you to visit with family and friends in-person. For more on protection, see our blog on COVID19 protection.

Trying new activities and creative ways to stay connected can help you and your family make the most of the COVID-19 pandemic. For more information on postpartum resources and support during COVID-19, check out the COVID-19 Pregnancy and Postpartum guide.



  1. Visiting Parks and Recreational Facilities, CDC

    1. Tips for Coping with a New Baby During COVID-19, Healthy Children

    2. Stress Management, Mayo Clinic

    3. Personal and Social Activities, CDC

    4. Deciding to Go Out, CDC


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