Postpartum Depression Symptoms

Postpartum depression can be a stressful and difficult illness to deal with when you care caring for a newborn.

Recognizing the symptoms while recovering and adjusting to the new routine will lead to a better understanding of what support you need as well as caring for your mental health.

One in eight people can suffer from postpartum depression out of no fault of their own. Not all postpartum moms and birth givers show the same symptoms or experience them at the same time. Your mental health matters, so be sure to seek help if you or a person you know is showing signs of postpartum depression (PPD).

Read more on how to treat your mental health during and after pregnancy on our blog post! When you are ready, you can join any of our free online support groups! What’s a support group? Learn more here.


Georgia WIC Program Services


COVID-19 Vaccination While Pregnant