Welcome to Pickles and Ice Cream Georgia™, a web platform dedicated to providing all the prenatal and postpartum information you crave!

We understand the need to be able to access information on your pregnancy, postpartum period, or even your infant from a reliable source. We also understand that it can be challenging to find a workshop or class to fit into your schedule with all the busy demands of mom life. These are all the reasons we created the Pickles & Ice Cream Georgia™ platform. Our vision is that you will be able to connect with other moms through our message boards, find relevant information through our articles for any stage in your motherhood journey, and access fun, informative videos and quizzes to keep you abreast of everything pregnancy & postpartum, all from your phone, tablet or computer!

Pickles & Ice Cream Georgia was created with you in mind and we will continue to center Georgia moms, like you, in our content and offerings. Enjoy!


The Pickles & Ice Cream Georgia Team


Bun in the Oven: Nutrition During Pregnancy


What is Birth Spacing?